Hot Tub 101 – Your Guide to Choosing a Hot Tub

Whenever we purchase something, it is always a good thing to have a checklist on which things to look for. In this case, let me list down some things that are vital to your checklist in buying a tub. The prices of hot tubs aren’t a joke and you wouldn’t want to spend that much for something that won’t satisfy you right? ChooseHotTubsDirect wants to share the things you should look into before choosing the tub to buy.

First things first. Check on your health. ChooseHotTubsDirect strongly recommends that you have yourself given a go signal from your physician. Hot tubs are machines of health, but still there are some medical conditions that are not advisable to use a hot tub. There are anti coagulant drugs that make people vulnerable to extreme temperatures. So make sure that you get your approval from your doctor before soaking.

Next, look for your possible locations. Choose and decide where you will place your tub. Are you placing it out on your back yard or indoors? Hot tubs are usually placed outdoors because of its size. That is why if you plan to place your tub indoors, double check both the dimensions of the tub you will get and the doors that lead to where you want to place your tub.

The jets. Check the number of jets and the type of jets you may want in a tub. The jets determine how strong or how weak the massaging effect of your tubs to be. The jet positions on the other hand determine which points of the body it will massage.
Make sure that you choose direct hot tubs. Choosing direct means buying a tub as if it were straight from the factory. Buying direct has a lot of advantages. What are they? Well, the tubs will be at its lowest prices, as it will be “factory priced”. Next, the shipping time will be shorter since that it will be delivered to you as soon as your tub is built and quality checked. And also, all warranties will be intact and effective. You might even have some additional perks!

Energy consumption and sanitation features. Always make sure that the tub you choose has high energy low power consumption motor. There are also some that are solar powered, so you wouldn’t have to worry about electricity. Sanitation features are also important since the water of the tub should always ALWAYS be sanitized and treated. We all know that bacteria breeds and lives in un-sanitized water, and you wouldn’t want to soak in water full of bacteria right?! It also isn’t healthy and safe to bathe in warm water with bacteria.

Lastly, make sure that you get a tub from a retailer you can trust. Check reviews, testimonials, and the like. Customers are the best to talk about the retailer and the product since they have firsthand experience in dealing with them. ChooseHotTubsDirect is a retailer that has a lot of reviews around the net, plus they have a zero return rate!

Veronica Saturn has been in the interior design industry for the past 20 years. She specializes in kitchens, pools, hot tubs and spas, and the like. She also writes and blogs about what she knows in this field to be able to share to the world her knowledge and expertise. Choose Hot Tubs Direct is her preferred online retailer of tubs because of the good deeds they make you do. Also, the site offers the best deals and has testimonials to back it up. Check out ChooseHotTubsDirect reviews and understand why.

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